What is health?

This tips only for you

Health can be defined as the overall level of functional and metabolic efficiency of a living organism.

When looking specifically at human beings, health can be described as the ability to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental, psychological and social changes concerning the environment.

The World Health Organization (WHO), has defined health as, “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

A lot of times, due to various reasons, people fail to realize that our health is our primary asset. We tend to ignore minor headaches or heartaches just to keep up with our busy schedules.

1. Embrace a Healthy Diet Plan

People tend to complicate things for themselves when they are told to “eat right” or “eat healthily.” Doing so doesn’t mean that you start adopting a bland diet.

You don’t need to starve yourself to follow a healthy diet. You just need to remember that ‘fad’ diets won’t end up being your friend in the long run.

That’s why it’s essential that you pick up a nutritional plan that provides your body with the energy it needs as well as help you stay on a healthy track.

One such healthy diet plan you can go for happens to be the photogenic diet – Shopaholics. This diet is a low carbohydrate but high-fat diet with a lot of health benefits. It doesn’t believe in starving yourself to lose unwanted weight.

2. Move more

It is suggested that an individual should get at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week. This would lead to continual blood flow throughout your body, thus, resulting you to stay healthy as well as deal with any mental stress you might be experiencing.

Try and join a gym in 2018. If you can’t do that, the excellent alternative is to exercise at home by following online weight loss workouts from reliable professionals. You can also clean more around the house to stay active.

3. Be smoke-free

Getting a good night’s sleep should be one of the primary goals that individuals focus on when making a move towards adopting a healthy lifestyle.

How much sleep do you need?

Being able to get up to 7 to 8 hours of sleep, maybe up to 9 hours in some instances leaves an individual feeling fresh and energized when he or she wakes up. This leads to a more focused daily routine, less tiredness and more vitality.

A lack of sleep leads to a lot of problems including health issues and the development of psychological problems like insomnia.

4. Make your kitchen healthier. Your success with any goal depends on your commitment to making it easier. Your living environment plays a powerful role here. Today, look at your kitchen and see what changes you can make to encourage your new healthy habits. 

5. Floss your teeth. Flossing is an important oral hygiene practice because tooth decay and gum disease can develop when plaque builds up on teeth and along the gum line. If flossing isn’t already part of your routine, getting started today can make a big difference in your oral health. 

Just only for you

6. Practice optimism. Give yourself the gift of optimism today. Make a choice to notice and appreciate what you have rather than what you don’t. Remember that no matter what the situation, how you perceive it is up to you. See the opportunity instead of the problem; you and those around you will benefit. 

7. Drink more water. This is one that never seems to go away and that’s because it’s so important. Water is our lifeblood and our bodies are made up of 75% water. We all need water to produce saliva and to help digest the food that we eat. We also need it for internal body regulation, flushing out and detoxifying the body and for proper brain and liver function. A basic guideline is to aim to drink 1 litre per 50lbs of body weight and that’s before exercise. Keeping the body hydrated also helps the heart to pump blood through the blood vessels and to the muscles more easily. Plus, it helps the muscles work efficiently. So the next time you go to the gym don’t forget your water bottle!

8.  Manage stress levels – meditate more.

We live extraordinary lives. Busy, information-packed, stressful lives. It’s a busy time in Western society and our daily routines reflect this.

Meditation has been shown to calm the mind, lower blood pressure and help us to remain positive. There are a number of meditation apps available to help you get started with meditation or just hope over to YouTube and do a search. The main thing to remember with meditation is don’t put pressure on yourself to succeed.  It’s just about being – let thoughts come and go in your mind without any judgment at all. It’s ok to just be and not do for a change.

9. Wash your hands. Hand washing is one of the easiest steps we can take to protect ourselves from getting sick or spreading germs to others — and, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the most effective. Yet many of us don’t do it often enough. Why not start today?

10. Try strength training. Strength training, also known as resistance training, is a great form of physical activity to add to a well-balanced exercise routine. Strength training can improve muscular strength, increase bone density, aid in weight management, improve posture and balance — and has many other health benefits. 

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